10 Signs You’re Experiencing Corporate Burnout

I'm AJ

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Sometimes, the greatest clarity comes from stepping away. 

My recent journey to Ladakh, India wasn’t just a trip—it was a revelation. The majesty of the Himalayas, the warmth of the people, and the simplicity of life there brought me face-to-face with some hard truths about my work and purpose. 

Let’s get real for a moment. If you’re a driven, ambitious woman in the corporate world, you’ve probably had those days (or weeks, or months) where you feel like you’re running on empty. You’re not alone! Burnout is a very real thing, and it’s becoming more and more common in today’s fast-paced, always-on work culture.

I know a thing or two about burnout myself. Meet Sarah, a kick-ass marketing executive in her mid-30s. She’s been climbing that corporate ladder for years, putting in long hours and sacrificing her personal life for her career. Sound familiar? But lately, she’s been feeling like she’s hit a wall. She’s constantly tired, struggling to focus, and feeling disconnected from her work. She’s starting to wonder if this is what success is supposed to feel like. Spoiler alert: it’s not!

One day, Sarah stumbles upon an article about corporate burnout and has a lightbulb moment. She realizes that she’s been experiencing so many of the signs and symptoms, and it’s a total game-changer. She’s not alone – so many women in her position are facing the same challenges. It’s like a secret club, but instead of a cool handshake, we’ve got eye bags and a coffee addiction.

But here’s the thing: recognizing burnout is the first step to beating it. By taking a step back and prioritizing her well-being, Sarah discovers that she can reclaim her passion for her work and her life. She starts setting boundaries, delegating tasks, and making time for self-care. And guess what? It works! She becomes more productive, creative, and engaged at work, and feels more fulfilled in her personal life. It’s like she’s got a new lease on life.

So, this summer, if you’re feeling the burn(out), it’s time to take action. Here are 10 signs to watch out for:

  1. Constant exhaustion and fatigue: You know that feeling when your alarm goes off in the morning and you just want to cry? Yeah, that’s a sign. If you’re constantly feeling drained, even after a full night’s sleep, it might be time to re-evaluate.
  2. Lack of motivation and enthusiasm for work: Remember when you used to get excited about your job? If you’re struggling to find the motivation to tackle your to-do list, or if the thought of another meeting makes you want to fake your own death, burnout might be to blame.
  3. Difficulty concentrating and making decisions: If you find yourself staring at your computer screen for hours, unable to focus or make a decision, it’s not just the afternoon slump. Burnout can make it hard to concentrate and can lead to decision fatigue.
  4. Increased irritability and frustration: Do you find yourself snapping at your colleagues or loved ones over little things? Are you constantly feeling on edge or frustrated? Burnout can make it hard to regulate your emotions, leading to increased irritability.
  5. Feeling disconnected or detached from work and colleagues: If you’re feeling like an outsider at work, or like you just don’t care anymore, it might be a sign of burnout. When we’re burned out, it’s hard to feel engaged or connected to our work or the people around us.
  6. Neglecting personal needs and relationships: When was the last time you did something just for you? If you’re constantly putting work ahead of your personal needs and relationships, it’s a recipe for burnout. Self-care isn’t selfish – it’s necessary.
  7. Difficulty sleeping or experiencing changes in appetite: Burnout can wreak havoc on our physical health, leading to insomnia, changes in appetite, and other symptoms. If you’re having trouble sleeping or find yourself stress-eating (or forgetting to eat altogether), it’s time to pay attention.
  8. Physical symptoms like headaches, muscle tension, or digestive issues: Our bodies have a way of telling us when something’s not right. If you’re experiencing physical symptoms like headaches, muscle tension, or digestive issues, it could be a sign that stress is taking a toll.
  9. Cynicism or negativity towards work and life in general: Do you find yourself rolling your eyes at everything and everyone? Are you constantly complaining or feeling negative about work and life in general? Burnout can make it hard to find the silver lining.
  10. Feeling like you’re not making progress or achieving your goals: If you feel like you’re stuck in a rut, or like no matter how hard you work, you’re not getting anywhere, it can be incredibly frustrating and demoralizing. Burnout can make us feel like we’re spinning our wheels.

If you’re nodding your head at any (or all) of these signs, first of all, I see you. It’s not easy to admit that we’re struggling, especially when we’re used to being the one who has it all together. But here’s the thing: burnout is not a personal failing. It’s a natural response to prolonged stress and unrealistic expectations.

So, what can you do about it? The first step is to acknowledge what you’re feeling and give yourself permission to prioritize your well-being. This might mean setting boundaries at work, delegating tasks, or saying no to commitments that don’t serve you. It might mean taking a mental health day (or two, or three) to rest and recharge. It might mean reaching out to a trusted friend, family member, or therapist for support.

Remember, you are not alone in this. So many women (and men) are struggling with burnout, especially in the wake of the pandemic. We’ve been through a collective trauma, and it’s okay to not be okay. What’s not okay is suffering in silence or pushing ourselves to the brink of exhaustion.

So, my friend, if you’re feeling the burn(out), take a deep breath and remember that you are worthy of rest, care, and support. You are not defined by your productivity or your job title. You are a whole, complex, amazing human being with needs and desires and dreams beyond the office.

Take a step back, reassess your priorities, and make a plan to prioritize your well-being. Maybe that means taking a vacation (remember those?), or maybe it means making small changes to your daily routine, like taking breaks, getting outside, or practicing mindfulness.

Whatever you do, don’t be afraid to ask for help. Talk to your boss about your workload and expectations. Lean on your support system. And if you need professional help, don’t hesitate to seek it out. There is no shame in taking care of yourself.

At the end of the day, burnout is not a badge of honor. It’s a sign that something needs to change. And while change can be scary, it can also be incredibly empowering. By recognizing the signs of burnout and taking steps to address it, you’re not just improving your own life – you’re setting an example for others and challenging the status quo.

So, here’s to breaking the burnout cycle and reclaiming our joy, our passion, and our purpose. Here’s to setting boundaries, prioritizing self-care, and supporting each other along the way. Here’s to being the badass, resilient, amazing women we are – burnout be damned.

Don’t let burnout hold you back any longer. Your future self will thank you for taking this step. You’ve got this and I’ve got your back. 

With love and gratitude,


PS – I’m excited to share how my Ladahk experience is shaping the future of our 9toThrive community. Big changes are coming. Stay tuned! 

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fur mom, yoga enthusiast, CHRONIC OVERACHIEVER, NATURE LOVER. 

Hi, I'm Aj.

I'm the trusted advisor ambitious women turn to when they're ready to fully embody their potential.

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