AJ Bishop-Andrews

For over 15 years, I've been igniting the spark in high-achieving women—transforming feelings of stagnation, frustration, and overwhelm into inspiration, confidence, and empowerment.

This page may offer glimpses of my story, but the real narrative we're focused on is yours—the brilliant, bold chapter you're about to write.

My mission? To illuminate the path for driven women like you. Women who are ready to break free from work-life challenges, who yearn to leave a lasting, meaningful legacy. I'm here to guide you towards not just time, creative and financial freedom, but a life fully ignited with purpose and fulfillment.

I ignite curiosity, sparking the questions that lead to breakthroughs.

As seen in:

Your whole life, you've been described as driven and goal-oriented. Some may even say you're high-strung. But I see it differently—you've been relentlessly pursuing goals and dreams that weren't truly your own.

I was a successful wealth management executive with the lucrative paycheck my Brazilian mother had dreamt of for me. From the outside, I had "made it."

But underneath, I was restless - faint whispers I was meant to blaze my own trail and redefine "success" through my own lens.

Behind the
Corporate Veil

It was the same soul-crushing routine daily - insane work hours followed by desperately numbing out through binge eating or drinking, anything to escape.

From the outside, sure, I appeared to have it all figured out. But inside, I felt constantly overwhelmed and unfulfilled. Like, had I really grinded that hard just to reach the top and find...emptiness?

Crying on the bathroom floor

I was ambitious - I had success and checked every damn box. But that spark, that thirst for truly living? Totally gone. I was just mindlessly going through motions, frustrated and disconnected from genuine passion or joy.

Those brutally low points revealed how hollow I'd become. My soul was hungry for more fulfillment than material comforts could provide. I knew, deep down, drastic change was urgently needed. This went way beyond typical burnout,

 it was a breaking point I could
no longer deny.


I remember the day I decided to leap into coach training with Susanne Conrad, the visionary behind Lightyear Leadership, amidst being a busy executive, juggling a hectic household, and facing pandemic uncertainties.

Aligning my work with my passion seemed like a far-off dream, reserved for those with more time or fewer responsibilities.

Despite doubts from past coaching experiences, Susanne's approach intrigued me. Her intuition, patience, joy, and authenticity stood out against corporate rigidity and pressure.

I knew I could add quality guidance in the wealth industry but wondered if I could help women navigate wealth challenges and align their work with their values.

My hesitation wasn't just about finding the perfect business model; it was about confronting fears of failure, feeling like an imposter, and admitting I needed support. It was a journey of self-discovery, rooted in the belief that it's never too late to pursue dreams.



My decision to seek guidance set me on a transformative journey that exceeded my wildest dreams.

I learned to accept support, trust my instincts, and master practices to silence my inner critic. I healed deep-seated insecurities and broke free from the need to prove my worth through external achievements.

Along the way, I rediscovered parts of myself that I had lost.

Amidst the nerves, excitement, and uncertainty, I navigated significant shifts in my life.

I shook off old notions of wealth and redefined success on my own terms. I rebuilt my financial plan and even embraced remarriage and stepmotherhood.

Each twist and turn on this journey has shaped me into a stronger, more resilient version of myself. I've unlocked an inner strength I never knew existed. This transformative journey has surpassed my wildest expectations.

Through a winding path of setbacks and successes, I ultimately discovered true, lasting happiness – first for myself, and then as a guide for other women seeking the same truth.

Becoming my best self

Life onPurpose

The 9toThrive is a bold community of women , committed to work-life integration.

Imagine a world where every woman not only achieves balance but also unleashes her true potential and lives with authentic purpose. That's the possibility I hold dear, and I'm thrilled to say that we're making significant progress towards it each and every day.

Your Time is NOW

Your Inner Fire is Calling—It's Time to Answer

You're not alone in feeling the disconnect. Many brilliant, high-achieving women find themselves in a similar place—successful on paper, but yearning for something more. The spark that once fueled your career may have dimmed, but it's far from extinguished.

You dream of reigniting your passion, of aligning your work with your deepest values. But the fear of letting go of financial stability, hard-earned benefits, and the security of the known holds you back.

What if there was a way to rekindle your fire without burning down everything you've built?
Imagine confidently stepping into a new chapter of your life, armed with a clear vision and a rock-solid financial strategy. Picture yourself thriving in a career that lights you up, without sacrificing the security you've worked so hard to achieve.

It's time to stop letting fear dim your light. Take the first step towards a fully ignited life—where purpose, passion, and financial empowerment coexist in brilliant harmony.


Ready to Ignite

Take the first step towards a fully ignited life. Discover how we can help you reignite your passion, reclaim your energy, and confidently step into the career and life you truly deserve.

Your next Chapter?